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Spring 2023 Theatre Production Class

Jan 9 - Apr 11, 2023
Dress 4/13
Performance 4/14, 15, 16

Lullabelle Harper the Good Witch of the South rules the Land of Grits & Hominy, just over the other side of the rainbow, where the Pageant Queens and Sweet Old Church Ladies live and are just about to register for the 1974 86th annual Ms. Peach Pit Pageant. All is jubilant as the Beulah Belle church ladies serve sweet iced tea for the pageant contestants when an unknown debutant tries to cut in line. It’s Elphabella, the Wicked Witch of the West!


Another house has dropped out of the sky onto the Wicked West Territory leaving Elphabella homeless and now she’s sizing up Grits & Hominy for a hostile takeover by winning the magical Miss Peach Pit Crown. She knows that whomever wears the crown is magically transformed forty years younger. She says she may not have been able to get the ruby slippers, but by gawd, she’s gonna git the Crown of Youth!


She will have to get in line because the crown has a royal blood line longer than the Mississippi and every past Peach Pit queen is the successor to ruling the land and remaining youthful forever. And Lord knows aint no pageant queen out there who would ever give up her crown without a fight, especially this one.



To Register




Contact Jodie Wilk and say I WANT TO TAKE THE CLASS!! WOO-HOO!! Please let me know: or 972-670-5305


  • Student Name & age

  • What day & time is good for you to come by Camp Shiloh to pay (see Class Location below) or we can arrange a mutual location


Cash or Check payable to Performance Supply Company

*You can also register the first day of class on 1/9/23, but please email or text me as such


Our Theatre Production Class will teach novice and experienced actors and dancers all aspects of performing in a play production as we produce the Performance Supply Company original play,"THE UNTOLD STORY OF LULLABELLE HARPER, THE GOOD WITCH OF THE SOUTH," written and directed by Jodie Wilk.

During the first few weeks, students will learn the basics of auditioning, acting, characterization and scene blocking, as well as musical theatre dance basics and practice combinations. Through extensive script table reads, acting exercises and creating backstories, students will learn to enhance their characters with proper motivation and intent prior to blocking the show. 


Students who would also like to prepare a song or play an instrument for a Pre-Show prior to the play performances are welcomed to audition. Those auditions will be held during class at a time/date tbd. â€‹


January 9 - April 11, 2023

Mondays & Tuesdays, 5:30 - 8:30pm (both days, all hours required)

*We will not have class week of Spring Break



 Monday, 1/23 during class

*All students will be cast


PERFORMANCE DATES & 1 DRESS (all are required):

  • Thursday, April 13, 2023 - Dress Rehearsal


  • 4 SHOWS:

    • FRIDAY, April 14, 2023 @ 7:00 pm

    • SATURDAY, April 15 @ 2:00p & 7:00p

    • SUNDAY, April 16 @ 2:00pm

      @ Efurd Orchards Event Center, Pittsburg, Tx




Camp Shiloh Retreat

Conference Center Building

3335 FM 21

Pittsburg, Texas

(On Lake Bob Sandlin, off Rt 21 bridge;

across lake from Lake Bob Sandlin State Park)




$375  - covers 81 hours of instruction, costumes, sets, props and venue

*payment may be made in full or monthly

*10% family discount for second family member

*All balances must be paid by 4/1/23



Ages 8 - 18

No prior training or experience necessary



LULLABELLE HARPER: The Good Enchantress (Witch) of the South. A sweet, but sassy good witch ruling over the Land of Grits and Hominy and the director of the Miss Peach Pit Pageant and the 1929 Miss Peach Pit Queen. Born 1904, 87 years old, but looks 47 because she bears the crown that magically makes her look 40 years younger. She is similar to Julia Sugabaker from ‘Designing Women’ with a dash of her ‘sister’ Glinda the Witch of the North. More of a Georgia southern belle accent.


ELPHABELLA: The Wicked Witch of the West. She is still the mean and evil witch who taunted Dorothy, but now she’s attempting a softer, more public persona to win the Miss Peach Pit magical crown. She’s been mean for so long, she doesn’t understand how to be nice or present herself like a lady and constantly slips back to her dark side. A comical version of all wicked witches.


THE SWEET OLD CHURCH LADIES - THE BEULAH BELLES  - provide refreshments and meals for the pageant contestants and each have won the title of Miss Peach Pit Pageant in the past. They push food on everyone and sing/song most of what they say as if bursting out in hymns constantly. The all still have their bouffant/beehive hair and crowns.


  • SUGABELLE  - She was the first Miss Peach Pit of 1888, winning the title at the age of 13; born 1875, 99 years old. Can’t hear a thing. She’s pushed around in her chair with food on her lap. She is fiesty and has no filter; she says anything she’s thinking about anybody at anytime. Former pageant talent: churning butter and spitting tabaccy in a spittoon from twenty paces. Old, cranky lady voice.


  • ANNABELLE - Miss Peach Pit 1905 (17 years old at time); 86 years old; former tap dancer (aka Ann Miller); claim to fame is bumping into Fred Astaire at the airport where they accidentally waltzed around a pole trying to pass each other. She is sweet, very outgoing and energetic for her age. Former pageant talent: tap dancing.


  • CORABELLE  - Miss Peach Pit 1915 (23 years old at time); born 1892, 82 years old; former church secretary but now has a no memory and can’t hear. She’s adorable, but clueless and messes up words due to bad hearing. Married to Winston Culpepper, the pageant judge. Former pageant talent: Organizing the Dewey Decimal system in record time. 


  • WINNABELLE - Miss Peach Pit 1916 (20 years old at time); born 1896, 78 years old; the spring chicken of the the brood. No nonsense with a loving, motherly side. Second in charge of the Belles after Lullabelle. Former pageant talent: Rolling bandages; dressing a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner; teaching how to ride side saddle. Similar to Dorothy on “Golden Girls” with a southern accent.



  • STARLYNNE  - She has been in the pageant  every year since 1965, hasn’t won yet and is the oldest, most experienced contestant. She is over optimistic and starry-eyed. Pageant talent: knitting


  • BOBBIE JEAN  - Lullabelle’s niece; she insists that her Aunt not play favorites, but actually expects perks and help. She’s bombshell-like flirt. Reigning Miss Kumquat. Pageant talent: Baton twirling


  • SCARLETT  - Over dramatic, acts like Scarlet O’Hara, quoting her all the time and looking down on everyone. Pageant talent: Batting her lashes & doing a monologue from “Gone with the Wind.”


  • TALLULAH  - Holds the most pageant titles including Miss Tractor Pull, Miss Chicken Fried Steak, Miss Hog N’ Hollar and Miss Pickled Persimmons (she wears every sash all the time). Talks low and throaty with long hair over one eye like Tallulah Bankhead. Pageant talent: Hog callin’ while play the washboard & jug. 


  • GWINNY MAE - First time pageant contestant; very nervous, always wants to go home (ala Dorothy). She’s a hick; talks like mountain people from “Andy Griffith.” Pageant talent: singing a horrible, off-pitch accapella version of “The Way We Were” or “Waterloo” or song & ‘dance’ to “Kung Fu Fighting.”


  • PETTICOAT SISTERS: They do and say everything together. Giggly gossipers. Hold current triple title, Miss Three Peas in a Pod. Talent: Twister Dance

    • BILLI E JO


    • BETTY JO


JUNIOR (June-ya) - Winnabelle’s grandson; volunteering as backstage manager for the pageant. He’s only helping to meet the girls. He’s a schmoozer. Current owner of the Grits & Hominy General Store & Dance Hall.


WINSTON CULPEPPER - Husband of Corabelle. Pageant judge. Owned the Grits & Hominy General Store & Dance Hall before retiring and selling the business to Junya. Wears ten gallon hat and has a big gut; similar to stereotypical southern used car salesman.


BACKWOODS BOYS: - group of boys who keep trying to convince Ms. Winnabelle that they should have an act in the pageant instead of being just the backstage crew. They try a Junkyard Band, a NASCAR bit, a Football Fan bit & finally get to do a live commercial for denture cream. They are mountain men that wear old overalls, long beards and beat up hats. All costumes (nascar, football, commercial) are added on top of this. Like “Oh Brother, Where Aren’t Thou”



  • BOSS HOG - talks like Foghorn Leghorn, the cartoon


MASTER OF CEREMONIES - Announcer for the Miss Peach Pitt Pageant. Only in the final scene of the play.


Corp Parts (will have some lines & will be in/out most scenes & dances):

  • Additional Beulah Belles

  • Additional Contestants 

  • Additional Backwoods Boys

For Questions about
Classes, Auditions & More Please Complete the Form Below. 

For Show Tickets: 
CLICK      'PURCHASE TICKETS' on our 'Currently Performing' Page

Hey! Thanks for taking action!! Hope to see you on stage soon!

Pittsburg, Texas  |  |  972.670.5305

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Ephesians 3:20-21

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